List of breathe synonyms and breathe related words.
He, affect, air, alert, approve, argue, articulate, aspirate, attest, bark, bawl, be, be alive, be animate, be aromatic, be construed as, be extant, be found, be in existence, be met with, be present, be redolent of, be the case, be there, bellow, bespeak, besprinkle, betoken, blare, blat, blow, blubber, boom, brandish, bray, break, break it to, break the news, breathe hard, breathe in, breathe out, brew, bring forth, bring forward, bring into view, bring out, bring to notice, buzz, cackle, chant, chime, chirp, chorus, color, come out with, communicate, confide, confide to, connote, convey, coo, cough, crow, dangle, decoct, deliver, demonstrate, denote, develop, disclose, display, divulgate, divulge, dramatize, draw breath, draw in, drawl, dredge, dye, embody, emit, emit a smell, enact, entincture, entrust with information, enunciate, evidence, evince, evulgate, exclaim, exhale, exhaust, exhibit, exist, expel, expire, expose to view, express, fetch breath, flaunt, flavor, fling off, flourish, flute, formulate, furnish evidence, gasp, give, give confidential information, give expression, give indication of, give out, give out with, give sign, give token, give tongue, give utterance, give vent to, give voice, go to show, growl, grunt, gulp, hack, happen to be, have being, have life, have place, hiccup, highlight, hint at, hiss, hold, huff, illuminate, illustrate, imbrue, imbue, impart, imply, import, impregnate, incarnate, indicate, infiltrate, infuse, inhale, inspire, instill, involve, keen, knock off, lay off, leaven, let get around, let in on, let next to, let out, lie by, lilt, lip, live, live and breathe, maffle, make clear, make known, make plain, manifest, mark, materialize, mean, mention privately, move, mumble, murmur, mussitate, mutter, nose, obtain, occur, out with, pant, parade, pause, penetrate, perform, permeate, pervade, phonate, phrase, pipe, point to, pour forth, present, prevail, produce, pronounce, publish, puff, put forth, put hep, put in words, put next to, raise, recess, reek, refer to, represent, respire, reveal, roar, roll out, rumble, saturate, say, scent, scream, screech, season, set forth, show, show forth, show signs of, shriek, sibilate, sigh, signalize, signify, sing, slurp, smell, smell of, snap, snarl, sneeze, sniff, sniffle, snore, snort, snuff, snuff in, snuffle, sob, sound, speak, speak for itself, speak volumes, spell, spotlight, squall, squawk, squeal, stand, stand for, steep, stink, stop for breath, subsist, suck, suck in, suckle, suffuse, suggest, susurrate, symbolize, symptomatize, take a break, take a recess, take a rest, take aside, take five, take ten, take time out, tell, tell confidentially, temper, tend to show, throw off, thunder, tincture, tinge, tip, tip off, token, transfuse, trot out, trumpet, twang, unfold, utter, vent, ventilate, verbalize, vocalize, voice, wail, walk the earth, warble, wave, wheeze, whiff, whine, whisper, word, yap, yawp, yell, yelp, yield an odor