List of brief synonyms and brief related words.
Spartan, abbreviated, abbreviation, abbreviature, abrege, abridge, abridged, abridgment, abrupt, abstract, account, account rendered, accounting, acquaint, acta, advertise, advertise of, advise, advocate, airmanship, annual, aposiopestic, apprise, bespeak, block in, block out, blunt, book, breviary, briefing, briefly, bring word, brisk, brusque, bulletin, capsule, capsulize, census report, chalk out, clipped, close, close-tongued, closemouthed, coach, cometary, communicate, compact, compend, compendious, compendium, compressed, concise, concisely, condensation, condense, condensed, condensed version, confer, conspectus, consult with, contracted, counsel, crisp, crusty, curt, curtailed, curtal, curtate, cut, debrief, decurtate, delineate, digest, direct, disclose, docked, draft, dumb, economical of words, election returns, elliptic, employ, engage, enlighten, ephemeral, epigrammatic, epitome, evanescent, explain, extract, familiarize, fill in, flashing, fleet, fleeting, flickering, flight plan, flying lessons, fugitive, give a briefing, give directions, give notice, give the facts, give word, gnomic, gruff, guide, head, hire, in brief, in sum, in summary, indisposed to talk, inform, instantaneous, instruct, kibitz, laconic, leave word, let know, line, little, low, meddle, mention to, meteoric, minutes, momentary, mum, mute, notify, nutshell, outline, overview, pandect, passing, pilot training, pilotship, pithy, pointed, precis, preengage, prescribe, proceedings, propose, pruned, quick, quiet, recommend, recruit, report, reserve, reserved, resume, retain, returns, review, rough, rough in, rough out, rubric, run down, run through, rundown, send word, sententious, serve notice, short, short and sweet, short-lived, short-term, short-termed, shorten, shortened, shortened version, sign on, sign up, sign up for, silent, skeleton, sketch, sketch out, snug, sparing of words, speak, speechless, speedy, statement, submit, succinct, succinctly, suggest, summarize, summary, survey, swift, syllabus, synopsis, synopsize, synopsized, synoptic, taciturn, take into employment, take on, tally, tell, temporary, terse, the record, thumbnail sketch, tight, tight-lipped, to the point, tongue-tied, topical outline, trace, transactions, transient, transitory, truncated, unloquacious, untalkative, verse, washout, word-bound, wordless, yearbook