List of brutal synonyms and brutal related words.
Adamic, Circean, Draconian, Gothic, Herculean, Neanderthal, Tartarean, abominable, abstruse, animal, animalian, animalic, animalistic, anthropophagous, arduous, arrant, atrocious, awful, baneful, barbarian, barbaric, barbarous, base, beastlike, beastly, beneath contempt, bestial, bitter, blameworthy, bloodthirsty, bloody, bloody-minded, bodily, boorish, brutalized, brute, brutelike, brutish, cannibalistic, carnal, carnal-minded, coarse, cold-blooded, complex, contemptible, crass, critical, crude, cruel, cruel-hearted, deadly, death-bringing, deathful, deathly, delicate, demanding, demoniac, demoniacal, deplorable, despicable, destructive, detestable, devilish, diabolic, difficile, difficult, dire, disgusting, dreadful, dumb, earthy, egregious, enormous, exacting, fallen, fatal, fell, feral, ferine, ferocious, fetid, fiendish, fiendlike, fierce, filthy, flagrant, fleshly, formidable, foul, fulsome, grievous, gross, hairy, hard, hard-earned, hard-fought, harsh, hateful, heartless, heinous, hellish, horrible, horrid, ill-bred, ill-mannered, impolite, inclement, infamous, infernal, inhuman, inhumane, insensitive, instinctive, instinctual, intemperate, internecine, intricate, jawbreaking, kill-crazy, killing, knotted, knotty, laborious, lamentable, lapsed, lethal, loathsome, lousy, malign, malignant, material, materialistic, mean, merciless, mindless, monstrous, mortal, murderous, nasty, nefarious, no picnic, noisome, noncivilized, nonrational, nonspiritual, not easy, notorious, obnoxious, odious, offensive, operose, orgiastic, outlandish, outrageous, pernicious, physical, pitiable, pitiful, pitiless, postlapsarian, primitive, rank, regrettable, remorseless, reprehensible, repulsive, rigorous, rotten, rough, rough-and-ready, rude, rugged, rustic, ruthless, sad, sadistic, sanguinary, sanguineous, satanic, savage, scandalous, schlock, scurvy, set with thorns, severe, shabby, shameful, sharkish, shocking, shoddy, slavering, sordid, spiny, squalid, steep, strenuous, subhuman, swinish, tameless, terrible, thorny, ticklish, toilsome, too bad, tough, tricky, troglodytic, truculent, unchristian, uncivil, uncivilized, unclean, uncombed, uncouth, uncultivated, uncultured, unfeeling, ungentle, unhuman, unkempt, unkind, unlicked, unpolished, unrefined, unspiritual, unsympathetic, untamed, uphill, vicious, vile, villainous, virulent, wicked, wild, woeful, wolfish, worst, worthless, wretched, zoic, zooidal, zoologic