List of buff synonyms and buff related words.
Leatherette, Leatheroid, Maecenas, abettor, adherent, admirer, advocate, aficionado, amateur, angel, apologist, appendage, applauder, appreciator, attendant, attender, audience, aureate, auric, authority, backer, bareness, beige, birthday suit, booster, buff-yellow, bug, burnish, canary, canary-yellow, cavaliere servente, champion, citron, citron-yellow, claqueur, coat, collector, commender, connoisseur, courtier, crank, cream, creamy, critic, cuticle, dangler, decollete, defender, dependence, dependent, dermis, devotee, dilettante, disciple, dress, ecdysiast, ecru, encomiast, encourager, endorser, energumen, enthusiast, eulogist, eulogizer, expert, exponent, extoller, fallow, fan, fanatic, fanatico, fancier, favorer, fell, finish, flaxen, fleece, flesh, flunky, follower, following, freak, frequenter, friend at court, fur, furbish, furring, gilded, gilt, glance, glaze, gloss, gold, gold-colored, golden, groupie, gymnosophist, gymnosophy, habitue, hanger-on, haunter, henchman, hide, homme de cour, hound, idolater, idolizer, imitation fur, imitation leather, infatuate, integument, jacket, lauder, leather, leather paper, leathern, leathery, lemon, lemon-yellow, lover, lunatic fringe, luster, luteolous, lutescent, mainstay, maintainer, monomaniac, nakedness, naturism, naturist, not a stitch, nudism, nudist, nudity, nut, ocherish, ocherous, ochery, ochreous, ochroid, ochrous, ochry, or, outer layer, outer skin, panegyrist, paranymph, parasite, partisan, patron, pelt, peltry, plugger, polish, praiser, primrose, primrose-colored, primrose-yellow, promoter, protagonist, public, puffer, pundit, pursuer, pursuivant, rawhide, reliance, rind, rooter, rub, rub up, saffron, saffron-colored, saffron-yellow, sallow, sand, sand-colored, sandblast, sandpaper, sandy, satellite, savant, scholar, scour, second, seconder, sectary, shadow, sheath, shine, sider, skin, skins, sleek, slick, slick down, smooth, specialist, spectator, sponsor, stalwart, standby, state of nature, stooge, straw, straw-colored, stripper, stripteaser, successor, support, supporter, sustainer, sympathizer, tagtail, tail, technical expert, technician, tegument, the altogether, the nude, the raw, theatergoer, toplessness, tout, touter, trainbearer, upholder, vair, varnish, visitor, votary, ward heeler, wax, well-wisher, worshiper, xanthic, xanthous, yellow, yellowish, zealot