List of bullheaded synonyms and bullheaded related words.
adherent, adhesive, balking, balky, bigoted, bulldogged, bulldoggish, bulldoggy, bulletheaded, case-hardened, clingy, closed-minded, deaf, dogged, dogmatic, fanatic, gluey, glutinous, gummy, hardheaded, headstrong, intolerant, intractable, mulish, obstinate, opinionated, overzealous, persevering, persistent, pertinacious, perverse, pigheaded, refractory, restive, self-adhesive, self-willed, set, sot, stickable, sticky, stiff-necked, strong-willed, strongheaded, stubborn, sulky, sullen, tacky, tenacious, tough, uncooperative, unregenerate, viscid, willful