List of busy synonyms and busy related words.
absorb, active, arabesque, assiduous, at it, at work, attend to business, baroque, burden, bustling, busybody, chichi, complex, complicated, detailed, devote, diligent, divert, drive, elaborate, elegant, employ, employed, energetic, engage, engaged, engross, fag, fancy, fine, flamboyant, florid, flowery, forward, frilly, full of business, fussy, hard at it, hard at work, hectic, high-wrought, hustling, immerse, impertinent, in harness, industrious, inquisitive, intricate, involve, involved, keep busy, labored, lively, luxuriant, luxurious, meddlesome, meddling, mind the store, moresque, nosy, occupied, occupy, officious, on duty, on the go, on the hop, on the job, on the jump, on the move, on the run, oppress, ornate, ostentatious, overdrive, overelaborate, overelegant, overlabored, overtask, overtax, overwork, overworked, overwrought, pass the time, picturesque, presumptuous, pretty-pretty, prying, pushing, pushy, rich, rococo, self-appointed, snoopy, soak, spend, spend the time, sweat, task, tax, tied up, work, working