List of busybody synonyms and busybody related words.
Paul Pry, Peeping Tom, a tale-bearing animal, backseat driver, butt in, butt-in, buttinsky, eavesdropper, fool, gossip, gossip columnist, gossiper, gossipmonger, horn in, informer, inquirer, inquisitive, inquisitor, interfere, interlope, intermeddler, kibitzer, make, meddler, monkey with, mouse, newsmonger, newspaperman, nose, nosy Parker, peeper, poke, pragmatic, pragmatist, prier, pry, querier, querist, questioner, quidnunc, reporter, rubber, rubberneck, rubbernecker, rumormonger, scandalmonger, scopophiliac, sightseer, snook, snoop, snooper, tabby, talebearer, taleteller, tamper with, tattler, tattletale, telltale, tittle-tattler, voyeur, yenta