List of buttress synonyms and buttress related words.
abutment, advocate, affirm, afford support, alpenstock, arc-boutant, arm, athletic supporter, attest, authenticate, back, back up, backbone, backing, bandeau, bank, beam, bear, bear out, bear up, bearer, beef up, bolster, bolster up, bra, brace, brace up, bracer, bracket, brassiere, breakwater, bulwark, buoy up, buttress pier, buttressing, cane, carrier, carry, case harden, certify, cervix, circumstantiate, column, confirm, corroborate, corset, cradle, crook, crutch, cushion, document, embankment, finance, flying buttress, fortify, foundation garment, fulcrum, fund, gird, girdle, give support, groin, guy, guywire, hanging buttress, harden, hold, hold up, invigorate, jetty, jock, jockstrap, jutty, keep, keep afloat, keep up, lend support, mainstay, maintain, maintainer, mast, mole, neck, nerve, pier, pier buttress, pillow, probate, prop, prop up, prove, rampart, ratify, refresh, reinforce, reinforcement, reinforcer, reinvigorate, rest, resting place, restrengthen, retaining wall, rigging, seawall, shore, shore up, shoulder, shroud, spine, sprit, staff, standing rigging, stave, stay, steel, stick, stiffen, stiffener, strengthen, strengthener, subsidize, substantiate, subvention, subventionize, support, supporter, sustain, sustainer, temper, toughen, underbrace, undergird, underlie, underpin, underpinning, underset, upbear, uphold, upholder, upkeep, validate, verify, walking stick, warrant