List of canard synonyms and canard related words.
Cornish hen, artifice, bouncer, broiler, bruit, buzz, caille, caneton, capon, chapon, chicken, common talk, concoction, cry, dindon, dodge, duck, duckling, extravaganza, fable, fabrication, faisan, falsehood, falsity, fib, fiction, figment, flying rumor, forgery, fowl, fryer, goose, grapevine, grouse, guinea hen, hearsay, hoax, humbug, idea afloat, invention, latrine rumor, lie, misrepresentation, myth, news stirring, oie, on-dit, partridge, pheasant, pigeon, pigeonneau, poulet, prevarication, quail, report, roaster, romance, roorback, rumble, rumor, scuttlebutt, sell, spoof, squab, stewing chicken, tale, talk, town talk, trick, turkey, unconfirmed report, untruth, volaille, whisper, wild duck