List of canary synonyms and canary related words.
Heldentenor, Meistersinger, Philomel, alto, aria singer, aureate, auric, baritenor, baritone, bass, basso, basso buffo, basso cantante, basso profundo, beige, betrayer, blues singer, buff, buff-yellow, bulbul, canary-yellow, cantatrice, cantor, caroler, chanter, chantress, citron, citron-yellow, coloratura soprano, comic bass, contralto, countertenor, cream, creamy, crooner, cuckoo, deep bass, diva, dramatic soprano, ecru, fallow, feathered songster, flaxen, gilded, gilt, gold, gold-colored, golden, heroic tenor, hymner, improvisator, lark, lead singer, lemon, lemon-yellow, lieder singer, luteolous, lutescent, mavis, melodist, mezzo-soprano, mockingbird, nark, nightingale, ocherish, ocherous, ochery, ochreous, ochroid, ochrous, ochry, opera singer, or, oriole, prima donna, primrose, primrose-colored, primrose-yellow, psalm singer, ringdove, rock-and-roll singer, saffron, saffron-colored, saffron-yellow, sallow, sand-colored, sandy, singer, singing bird, singstress, snitch, song sparrow, songbird, songster, songstress, soprano, squealer, stool pigeon, stoolie, straw, straw-colored, tenor, thrush, tipster, torch singer, vocalist, vocalizer, voice, warbler, xanthic, xanthous, yellow, yellowish, yodeler