List of cane synonyms and cane related words.
Boston type, Braille, Malacca cane, New York point, Optacon, Pathsounder, Seeing Eye dog, Visotoner, advocate, aftergrass, alpenstock, anthrophore, arm, athletic supporter, axis, back, backbone, backing, bamboo, bandeau, baste, bastinado, baton, bearer, beat, belabor, belt, birch, bole, bra, brace, bracer, bracket, brassiere, buffet, buttress, carpophore, carrier, caudex, caulicle, caulis, cereal, cereal plant, cervix, club, corn, corset, cowhide, crook, crosier, cross, cross-staff, crutch, crutch-stick, cudgel, culm, cut, drub, embosser, farinaceous plant, ferule, flagellate, flail, flog, fog, footstalk, forage grass, foundation garment, fulcrum, funicule, funiculus, fustigate, girdle, give a whipping, give the stick, grain, graminaceous plant, grass, guide dog, guy, guywire, handstaff, haulm, high-speed embosser, horsewhip, jock, jockstrap, knout, lace, lash, lawn grass, lay on, leafstalk, line letter, lituus, mainstay, maintainer, mast, neck, noctograph, optophone, ornamental grass, paddle, pandybat, pastoral staff, paterissa, pedicel, peduncle, personal sonar, petiole, petiolule, petiolus, pistol-whip, pommel, prop, pummel, quarterstaff, rattan, rawhide, reed, reinforce, reinforcement, reinforcer, rest, resting place, rigging, rod, ruler, scourge, seedstalk, sensory aid, shillelagh, shoulder, shroud, sight-saver type, smite, spank, spear, spine, spire, sprit, staff, stalk, standing rigging, stave, stay, stem, stick, stiffener, stipe, stock, strap, straw, strengthener, string alphabet, stripe, support, supporter, sustainer, swagger stick, swanking stick, swinge, switch, talking book, thrash, thump, tigella, trounce, truncheon, trunk, ultrasonic spectacles, upholder, visagraph, walking stick, wallop, whale, whip, whop, writing frame, writing stamps