List of canniness synonyms and canniness related words.
Italian hand, acuteness, animal cunning, art, artfulness, artifice, astuteness, austerity, austerity program, cageyness, calculation, callidity, care, careful consideration, carefulness, caution, cautiousness, chariness, circumspection, cleverness, craft, craftiness, cunning, cunningness, deliberate stages, deliberateness, deliberation, deviousness, discreetness, discretion, economic planning, economicalness, economy, economy of means, false economy, fine Italian hand, finesse, forehandedness, foresight, forethought, foxiness, frugality, frugalness, gamesmanship, gingerliness, good management, guardedness, guile, guilefulness, hedge, hedging, heed, heedfulness, hesitation, husbandry, ingeniousness, insidiousness, inventiveness, judiciousness, low cunning, management, mindfulness, one-upmanship, parsimoniousness, parsimony, pawkiness, precaution, prior consultation, providence, prudence, prudential administration, prudentialness, readiness, regardfulness, resourcefulness, safeness, safety first, satanic cunning, sharpness, shiftiness, shrewdness, slickness, slipperiness, slowness to act, slyness, sneakiness, solicitude, sophistry, sparingness, stealth, stealthiness, subtility, subtilty, subtleness, subtlety, suppleness, tentativeness, thoroughness, thrift, thriftiness, tight purse strings, trickiness, uncommunicativeness, unprecipitateness, unwastefulness, wariness, wiles, wiliness, wit