List of carrying synonyms and carrying related words.
accoutered, aid, air express, airfreight, airlift, anticipating, armed, asportation, backing, bearing, big with child, big-laden, bolstering, bracing, breeding, bristling with arms, burdened, buttressing, carriage, carry, carrying a fetus, cartage, conveyance, drayage, expecting, expressage, ferriage, freight, freightage, full-armed, gestating, gravid, great, haulage, hauling, heavy, heavy with child, heavy-armed, heeled, holding, in arms, knocked up, light-armed, lighterage, lugging, maintaining, maintenance, moral support, packing, parturient, portage, porterage, preggers, pregnant, propping, psychological support, railway express, reliance, security blanket, shipment, shipping, shoring, subsidy, subvention, superfetate, superimpregnated, support, supporting, supportive, supportive relationship, supportive therapy, suspensory, sustaining, sustainment, sustenance, sustentation, sustentative, sword in hand, teeming, telpherage, toting, transit, transport, transportation, transporting, transshipment, truckage, under arms, upholding, upkeep, waft, waftage, wagonage, well-armed, with child