List of castaway synonyms and castaway related words.
DP, Ishmael, abandoned, aground, cast-off, castoff, declasse, deep six, derelict, deserted, discard, discarded, discarding, disowned, displaced person, disposal, disused, dogie, dumping, elimination, evictee, exile, expatriate, expellee, flotsam, flotsam and jetsam, forsaken, foundered, foundling, grounded, high and dry, jetsam, jettison, jettisoned, junk, junking, lagan, left, leper, marooned, on the rocks, orphan, outcast, outcast of society, outcaste, outlaw, outside the gates, outside the pale, pariah, persona non grata, refuse, reject, rejectamenta, rejected, rejection, removal, rubbish, scrapping, set fast, shipwrecked, social outcast, stranded, stuck, stuck fast, swamped, throwaway, trash, unacceptable person, undesirable, untouchable, waif, waifs and strays, wastrel, wrecked