List of ceiling synonyms and ceiling related words.
CAT, acme, aerospace, aerosphere, air hole, air pocket, airspace, all, altitude, altitude peak, apogee, atmospheric visibility, automatic control, blast-off, border line, bottom price, bound, boundary, boundary condition, boundary line, bourn, break boundary, breakoff point, bump, burn, burnout, business index, ceiling price, ceiling unlimited, circumscription, clarity, clearness, climax, compass, confine, conspicuity, conspicuousness, consumer price index, cost-of-living index, crosswind, crown, crystal-clearness, cutoff, cutoff point, deadline, definiteness, definition, delimitation, demand curve, descent, determinant, distinctness, division line, eaves, elevation, eminence, empty space, end, end of burning, evidence, evidentness, exaltation, extreme, extremity, favorable wind, finish, flight, floor, floor price, fog, front, frontier, hauteur, head wind, hedge, height, heighth, high visibility, high-pressure area, high-water mark, highest degree, highness, hole, housetop, ignition, impact, inflation, inflationary spiral, interface, ionosphere, jetstream, lantern, launch, lift-off, limen, limit, limitation, limiting factor, line, line of demarcation, loftiness, low visibility, low-pressure area, low-water mark, lower limit, manifestness, march, mark, maximum, mete, ne plus ultra, nth degree, obviousness, overcast, overhead, patentness, peak, penthouse, percipi, perpendicular distance, pinnacle, plafond, plainness, pocket, price ceiling, price index, price level, prominence, ridgepole, rising prices, rocket launching, roof, roof garden, roof-deck, roofage, roofing, roofpole, rooftop, rooftree, roughness, seeing, shingles, shoot, shot, skylight, slates, soup, space, start, starting line, starting point, stature, stratosphere, sublimity, substratosphere, summit, tail wind, tallness, target date, term, terminal date, terminus, the whole, threshold, tiles, time allotment, top, top price, toploftiness, trajectory, tropopause, troposphere, trough, turbulence, upper limit, utmost, utmost extent, uttermost, velocity peak, visibility, visibility unlimited, visibility zero