List of charge synonyms and charge related words.
accountability, accounting for, accounts payable, accounts receivable, accredit, accusal, accusation, accuse, accusing, achievement, action, activate, adjure, administration, admission, admission fee, admonish, advowson, afflict, agency, agentship, aggravated assault, aggression, alerion, allegation, allege, allegement, allegiance, amount, amount due, amperage, amphibious attack, amplify, anchorage, animal charge, annulet, answerability, anticathexis, application, argent, armed assault, armipotence, armorial bearings, armory, arms, arraign, arraignment, arrogation, article, ascription, ask, assail, assailing, assailment, assault, assert, assess, assessment, assign, assignation, assigned task, assignment, attachment, attack, attribute, attribution, auspices, authority, authorization, authorize, azure, bad debts, bail, bale, bandeau, bang, banzai attack, bar, bar sinister, baton, bear hard upon, bearings, beef, behest, bellyful, bend, bend sinister, benefice, bid, bidding, bill, bill of particulars, billet, bills, black power, blame, blast, blazon, blazonry, blitz, blitzkrieg, boil, bolt, book, boot, bordure, borrowing, bossing, bounden duty, breakthrough, brevet, brim, bring accusation, bring charges, bring to book, bringing of charges, bringing to book, broad arrow, brokerage, brute force, budget, budget items, bumper, burden, burden of expenditure, burden with, burdening, burthen, business, busywork, buy on credit, cadency mark, call of duty, call on, call the signals, call upon, canton, capacity, care, care of souls, carfare, cargo, carload, carrying charge, cartload, cathectic energy, cathexis, caution, cellarage, censure, chaplet, chare, charge for, charges, charging, charisma, charter, chase, chevron, chief, chits, chock, choke, chore, cite, claim, client, clog, clout, coat of arms, cock, cockatrice, cogence, cogency, command, commission, commissioning, commit, commitment, committal, complain, complaint, complement, compulsion, concern, conduct, congest, connection with, consign, consignment, contaminate, control, coronet, cost, cost of living, cost-of-living allowance, cost-of-living index, costs, count, counterattack, countercathexis, counteroffensive, coup de main, cover charge, cram, credit, crescent, crest, criminate, crippling attack, cross, cross moline, crowd, crown, crush, cumber, cumbrance, curacy, cure, custodianship, custody, damage, dash, dash at, dead set at, deadweight, debit, debt, declare, decree, dedication, deference, delation, delegate, delegated authority, delegation, demand, denounce, denouncement, denunciate, denunciation, dependent, deputation, depute, deputize, derivation from, descent on, desire concentration, detach, detail, detonate, device, devoir, devolute, devolution, devolve, devolve upon, devolvement, devotion, dictate, difference, differencing, difficulty, dint, direct, direct costs, direction, disadvantage, disbursals, discharge, distributed costs, diversion, diversionary attack, dockage, drag, drive, drop, due, dues, duress, duties and responsibilities, duty, eagle, effect, effectiveness, effectuality, eject, electric charge, electrify, embarrassment, embassy, empower, empowerment, encourage, encumber, encumbrance, energize, energy, energy charge, enjoin, entrance fee, entrust, entrusting, entrustment, ermine, ermines, erminites, erminois, errand, escutcheon, ethics, etiology, exact, exaction, exactment, executorship, exequatur, exercise, exhaust, exhort, exhortation, expect, expenditure, expense, expense account, expenses, expostulate, eye, factorship, falcon, fare, fasten on, fasten upon, fealty, fee, fell, fess, fess point, field, figure, file, fill, fill to overflowing, fill up, financial commitment, finger, fire, fire off, fish to fry, flanch, flank attack, fleur-de-lis, fling, floating debt, flower power, flush, fly at, foray, force, force majeure, forcefulness, freight, freight with, fret, frontal attack, fuel, full blast, full force, full house, full measure, full power, funded debt, fur, fusil, galvanize, garland, gas attack, general expenses, generate, get up steam, give an order, give in charge, give the word, glebe, go on tick, governance, government, griffin, guardianship, guarding, guidance, gules, gun, gun for, gyron, hamper, handicap, handling, hands, hang something on, hatchment, head-on attack, heap, helmet, heraldic device, hire, hit, hold, homage, homework, honor, honor point, hypercathexis, imbue, impalement, impaling, impeach, impeachment, impediment, impedimenta, imperative, implication, imply, impose, impose on, impose upon, imposition, impregnate, impugn, imputation, impute, incite, inconvenience, incriminate, incubus, inculpate, incumbency, indebtedness, indebtment, indict, indictment, indirect costs, induce, inescutcheon, infect, infiltration, inflict on, inflict upon, influence, inform against, inform on, information, injunction, innuendo, insinuate, insinuation, instruct, instruction, intendance, interpenetrate, invoice, irradiate, issue a command, issue a writ, jam, jam up, jam-pack, jet propulsion, job, job of work, jollies, jump off, jurisdiction, keep, keeping, kick, label, labor, labor costs, lade, lading, lash, lawsuit, lay, lay charges, lay on, laying of charges, legation, let fly, let off, levy, liabilities, liability, license, license fee, lieutenancy, lift, lightning attack, lightning war, line of duty, lion, liquid oxygen, live wire, living, load, loading, lodge a complaint, lodge a plaint, loop in, loyalty, lozenge, lumber, main force, main strength, make dutiable, make-work, mana, management, mandate, mantling, marshaling, martlet, mascle, mass attack, material costs, matters in hand, maturity, megadeath, metal, might, might and main, mightiness, millstone, ministry, mission, motto, mouthful, move, moxie, mugging, mullet, muscle power, must, name, national debt, need, nombril point, obligation, octofoil, odd job, offense, offensive, office, onset, onslaught, onus, operating costs, operating expense, oppress, oppression, or, ordain, order, order about, ordinary, orle, ought, outstanding debt, overburden, overcharge, overfill, overhead, overkill, overload, oversight, overtax, overtaxing, overweight, overweighting, pack, pad, palaetiology, pale, paly, panzer warfare, pastorage, pastorate, pastorship, patronage, payload, pean, pelt, penalty, penetrate, pensionary, pensioner, pepper, percolate, permeate, persuade, pervade, pheon, pick off, piece of work, pile, pilotage, pin on, pistol, pizzazz, place, placement, plaint, pledge, plenipotentiary power, plug, plug in, poison, poop, portage, post, pot, potence, potency, potentiality, potshoot, potshot, power, power of attorney, power pack, power structure, power struggle, power to act, powerfulness, preach, precept, prefer charges, prelacy, prepotency, prescript, prescription, presentment, press charges, press hard upon, pressure, preventive custody, price, price tag, prime, prime cost, pro rata, proclaim, procuration, productiveness, productivity, project, prompt, promulgate, pronounce, propellant, propulsion charge, prorate, prosecution, protection, protective custody, protectorship, protege, proxy, public charge, public debt, puissance, pull, punch, purpure, purview, push, put, put down, put on, put on report, put upon, quarter, quartering, quiver, race, radiumize, raid, ram in, rate, reaction propulsion, receive credit, rectory, refer, reference to, regency, regentship, remonstrate, replacement cost, report, reprehend, reproach, request, require, respect, responsibility, rest hard upon, riddle, right, rocket propulsion, rose, rule, run against, run at, running, rush, rush at, rush of emotion, sable, saddle, saddle with, saddling, safe hands, safekeeping, sally, saltire, salvage, satiate, saturate, say the word, score, scot, scot and lot, scutcheon, self-imposed duty, send out, sensation, service, set, shield, shipload, shiver, shock, shock tactics, shoot, shoot at, shoot down, short, short-circuit, shot, shudder, sinew, snipe, snootful, solicit, sortie, spread eagle, steam, steam up, step down, step up, stewardship, stick for, stiffen, stint, storage, storm, strength, strike, strong arm, stuff, subject to, subordinary, suffuse, suit, supercharge, superincumbency, superintendence, superintendency, superiority, superpower, supervision, surcharge, surfeit, surge of emotion, surveillance, swindle sheet, switch off, switch on, tab, take a potshot, take credit, take to task, tariff, task, taunt with, tax, taxing, teaching, tear, tell, tenne, things to do, thrill, thrust, tilt at, tincture, tingle, tingling, tithe, titillation, toll, top off, torpedo, torse, towage, trailerload, trainload, transfer, transfuse, tremor, tremor of excitement, tressure, trouble, truckload, true bill, trust, trusteeship, turn off, turn on, tutelage, twit, uncollectibles, unfulfilled pledge, unicorn, unit cost, unit quantity, unprovoked assault, unspoken accusation, urge, vair, validity, vanload, vehemence, veiled accusation, vert, vicarage, vicarious authority, vigor, vim, virility, virtue, virulence, vitality, wad, ward, wardenship, wardship, warhead, warm up, warn, warrant, watch and ward, wattage, weigh, weigh heavy on, weigh on, weigh upon, weight, weight down with, wharfage, white elephant, wind, wind up, wing, word, work, wreath, yale, yoke with