List of chimera synonyms and chimera related words.
airy hope, airy nothing, apparition, autism, brainchild, bubble, daydream, deception, delirium, deluded belief, delusion, dereism, dream, dream vision, dreamland, dreamworld, eidolon, false belief, fancy, fantasque, fantasy, fiction, figment, golden dream, hallucination, idle fancy, ignis fatuus, illusion, imagery, imagination, imagining, insubstantial image, invention, maggot, make-believe, misbelief, misconception, mosaic, myth, phantasm, phantom, pipe, pipe dream, pomato, potomato, quixotic ideal, rainbow, romance, self-deceit, self-deception, self-delusion, sick fancy, thick-coming fancies, topato, trick, trip, unreal hope, utopia, vapor, vision, whim, whimsy, wildest dreams, wrong impression