List of chink synonyms and chink related words.
abysm, abyss, aperture, arroyo, assailability, bar, bezel, bind, block, block up, blockade, box canyon, breach, break, broach, bump, bung, canyon, cash, caulk, cavity, chamfer, change ringing, chap, chase, chasm, check, chime, chiming, chimney, choke, choke off, choke up, clang, clanging, clangor, clank, clanking, cleave, cleft, cleuch, click, clink, clog, clog up, clop, clough, clump, clunk, coin, col, congest, constipate, cork, corrugation, coulee, couloir, cover, crack, cranny, crevasse, crevice, crump, currency, cut, cut open, cwm, dado, dam, dam up, defile, dell, dike, ding, ding-a-ling, dingdong, dinging, dingle, dispart, ditch, divaricate, divide, dong, donga, donging, dough, draw, dull thud, engraving, excavation, fault, fill, fill up, filthy lucre, fissure, flaw, flick, flume, flump, flute, fluting, fly open, foul, fracture, furrow, gap, gape, gash, gong, gorge, gouge, groove, gulch, gulf, gully, heel of Achilles, hole, incise, incision, interruption, jam, jangle, jingle, jingle-jangle, jinglejangle, jingling, joint, kloof, knell, knelling, lay open, leak, legal tender, lettuce, loot, microgroove, moat, notch, nullah, obstipate, obstruct, ope, open, open up, opening, pack, pad, part, pass, passage, pat, patter, peal, peal ringing, pealing, penetrability, pitapat, pitter-patter, plug, plug up, plump, plunk, pop, pregnability, rabbet, rap, ravine, rent, rifling, rift, rime, ring, ring changes, ringing, rip, rive, ruck, rupture, rut, scissure, score, scratch, seam, separate, slit, slot, soft spot, sound, sound a knell, spile, split, spread, spread out, spring open, stanch, stay, stench, stop, stop up, stopper, stopple, streak, stria, striation, stuff, stuff up, sulcation, sulcus, swing open, tap, tear, tear open, throw open, thud, thump, tick, ting, ting-a-ling, tingle, tingling, tink, tinkle, tinkling, tinnitus, tintinnabulate, toll, tolling, trench, tunk, valley, vincibility, void, vulnerability, vulnerable point, wadi, wampum, weak link, weak point, weakness, well-worn groove, wrinkle