List of clapboard synonyms and clapboard related words.
Formica, Masonite, asphalt, beam, billet, blacktop, board, boarding, brick, canvas, carpeting, cobblestone, concrete, cord, cordwood, cork tile, deal, driftwood, fiber glass, firewood, flag, flagging, flagstone, flooring, hardwood, lath, lathing, lathwork, linoleum, log, lumber, macadam, panelboard, paneling, panelwork, pantile, paper, parquet, pavement, pavestone, paving, plank, planking, plasterboard, plyboard, plywood, pole, post, puncheon, roofage, roofing, roofing paper, shake, sheathing, sheathing board, sheeting, shingle, sideboard, siding, slab, slat, slate, softwood, splat, spun glass, stave, stick, stick of wood, stone, stovewood, tar paper, thatch, three-by-four, tile, tilestone, tiling, timber, timbering, timberwork, two-by-four, veneer, wainscoting, wallboard, walling, wallpaper, weatherboard, wood