List of class synonyms and class related words.
account, adherents, advantageousness, agreeableness, allot, alphabetize, analyze, animal kingdom, antonomasia, appraise, appreciate, arrange, ashram, assembly, assess, assign, assort, auspiciousness, bearing, beneficialness, benevolence, benignity, binomial nomenclature, biosystematics, biosystematy, biotype, birth, blood, body, bracket, branch, brand, break down, breed, breeding, brethren, brood, caliber, call, caste, catalog, categorize, category, church, churchgoers, clan, classification, classify, codify, cogency, colony, color, commonwealth, commune, communion, community, condition, confession, congregation, consider, deme, denomination, descent, description, desert, digest, discernment, disciples, distinction, divide, division, domain, echelon, economic class, elegance, endogamous group, estate, estimate, evaluate, excellence, expedience, extended family, extraction, factor, fairness, faith, family, favorableness, feather, figure, file, fineness, first-rateness, flock, fold, folk, followers, footing, form, form an estimate, gauge, genotype, genre, gens, genus, give an appreciation, glossology, goodliness, goodness, grace, grade, grain, group, grouping, guess, head, heading, healthiness, helpfulness, hierarchy, hold, house, identify, ilk, importance, index, ism, judge, kidney, kin, kind, kindness, kingdom, kinship group, label, laity, laymen, league, level, line, lineage, list, make an estimation, mark, matriclan, measure, merit, minyan, moiety, nation, nature, niceness, nomenclature, nonclerics, nonordained persons, nuclear family, onomastics, onomatology, order, orismology, parish, parishioners, part, patriclan, pedigree, people, persuasion, phratria, phratry, phyle, phylum, pigeonhole, place, place-names, place-naming, plant kingdom, pleasantness, polyonymy, position, power structure, precedence, predicament, presence, prestige, prize, profitableness, quality, race, range, rank, rate, rating, realm, reckon, refinement, regard, rewardingness, rubric, savoir faire, school, score, sect, section, seculars, separate, sept, series, set, settlement, sheep, sift, skillfulness, social class, society, sort, sort out, soundness, species, sphere, stage, stamp, standing, station, status, stem, stirps, stock, strain, stratum, stripe, style, subcaste, subclass, subdivide, subdivision, subfamily, subgenus, subgroup, subkingdom, suborder, subspecies, subtribe, superclass, superfamily, superiority, superorder, superspecies, systematics, tabulate, taste, taxonomy, terminology, thrash out, tier, title, toponymy, totem, track, tribe, trinomialism, type, usefulness, validity, valuate, value, variety, virtue, virtuousness, weigh, wholeness, winnow, worth, year