List of cleaning synonyms and cleaning related words.
abstergent, abstersion, autoclave, bowdlerization, broom, brush, carpet sweeper, catharsis, cathartic, cleansing, comb, currycomb, depurative, detergent, detersion, dishcloth, dishwasher, diuretic, doormat, dry cleaning, duster, dustpan, emetic, expurgation, expurgatory, facecloth, hackle, hairbrush, handkerchief, holystone, hose, lustral, lustration, mop, napkin, pumice stone, purgation, purgative, purge, purging, purification, purificatory, purifying, rake, scraper, scrub brush, scrubber, serviette, sponge, steam cleaning, sudarium, swab, toothbrush, toothpick, towel, vacuum cleaner, washboard, washer, washing machine, whisk, wisp, wringer