List of clear synonyms and clear related words.
Attic, Ciceronian, Mickey Mouse, above water, abroad, absolute, absolve, absolved, abstract, account for, accumulate, acquire, acquit, acute, admitting no exception, adrift, afield, afloat, afoot and lighthearted, all abroad, all clear, all straight, all-embracing, all-encompassing, all-out, all-pervading, altogether, ameliorate, amnesty, amortize, angelic, apodictic, apparent, appreciable, apprehensible, articulate, assured, astray, at large, at liberty, audible, bald, balmy, bare, barren, beat it, become airborne, bell-like, bestraddle, bestride, better, blameless, bland, blank, bleached, blooming, blossoming, blow, blow out, bolt, booming, born, bounce, bound, break, break loose, break out, bright, brightly, broad-based, buck, buckjump, burn off, capitalize on, capriole, cash in on, cast off, cast out, casual, categorical, certain, characterless, chaste, childlike, chuck, clarified, clarify, clarion, classic, clean, clean out, clean up, clean-cut, cleanly, cleanse, clear, clear and distinct, clear as crystal, clear as day, clear away, clear of, clear off, clear out, clear the decks, clear the hurdle, clear up, clear-cut, cleared, clearly, close, cloudless, coherent, coin money, come along, come on, command, commercialize, complete, completely, comprehensible, comprehensive, conclusive, confident, congenital, connected, consistent, conspicuous, consummate, contrastive, contrive, convinced, crisp, cry sour grapes, crystal, crystal-clear, crystalline, curvet, cushy, cut away, cut down, cut loose, cut out, cut the mustard, decamp, decided, decisive, decontaminate, decrassify, deep-dyed, defecate, defined, definite, definitive, defray, deobstruct, depart, deplete, deport, depurate, destigmatize, detached, determinate, determined, devoid, diaphane, diaphanous, direct, disappear, disburden, discernible, discernibly, discerning, discharge, disclose, disclosed, disembarrass, disembarrassed, disembroil, disencumber, disengage, disengaged, disentangle, disinvolve, dislodge, dismiss, dispense from, dispose of, distill, distilled, distinct, distinctive, distinctly, do justice to, dominate, dovelike, downright, drain, dyed-in-the-wool, earn, easy, easy as pie, easygoing, edulcorate, effortless, effulgently, egregious, eject, elegant, elide, eliminate, elucidate, elute, emancipated, empty, empty out, engineer, entire, entirely, eradicate, essentialize, evacuate, evanesce, evaporate, evident, exact, exculpate, excuse, exempt, exempt from, exhaust, exhaustive, exile, exonerate, exonerated, expatriate, expel, explain, explicate, explicit, expose, exposed, express, extract, extricate, exuberant, facile, fade, fair, far afield, fat, faultless, featureless, filmy, filter, filtrate, final, fine, finished, fixed, flat, flat-out, floating, flourishing, flowering, fly aloft, footloose, footloose and fancy-free, forgive, forgiven, free, free and clear, free and easy, free as air, free of, free up, freeborn, freed, fresh, fruiting, fully, gain, gain by, gather, gauzy, get, get along, get by, get on, get out, get quit of, get rid of, get shut of, give absolution, glaring, glean, glib, global, go off, go on, go-as-you-please, going strong, gossamer, gossamery, graceful, gracile, grant amnesty to, grant immunity, grant remission, graspable, gross, guileless, guiltless, hack it, halcyon, hearable, hi-fi, high-fidelity, hippety-hop, hollow, honor, hop, hurdle, illuminate, illustrate, implicit, improve, in focus, in full swing, in good case, in the clear, inane, inappealable, incontrovertible, incorrupt, indisputable, indubitable, ineluctable, inevitable, innocent, insipid, intelligible, intensive, jump, jump off, jump over, justify, keen, knowable, lamblike, leach, leap, leap over, leapfrog, leave, leave the ground, legible, let go, let off, liberate, liberated, lift, light, light-pervious, lightish, lightsome, limpid, liquidate, lixiviate, look down upon, loose, lose, loud and clear, lucent, lucid, luculent, luminous, luminously, lustrous, make, make a killing, make accounts square, make clear, make it, make money, make money by, make out, make plain, make the grade, manage, manage somehow, manifest, meliorate, milky, muddle through, naked, natural, neat, necessary, negotiate, net, nonopaque, nonpros, not guilty, nothing to it, noticeable, null, null and void, observable, obtain, obvious, offenseless, omnibus, omnipresent, on the loose, opalescent, open, open up, open-and-shut, openhanded, out of debt, out-and-out, outlaw, outright, outtop, over, overarch, overjump, overleap, overlook, overshadow, overskip, overt, overtop, painless, palmy, palpable, pardon, patefy, patent, pay, pay in full, pay off, pay the bill, pay the shot, pay up, peekaboo, pellucid, perceivable, perceptible, perceptibly, perceptive, percolate, peremptory, perfect, perfectly, perfectly sure, perspicacious, perspicuous, pervasive, pick out, pick up, piping, plain, plain as day, pleasant, plumb, polished, positive, pounce, pounce on, pounce upon, precise, predestined, predetermined, prelapsarian, pristine, profit, prominent, prominently, pronounced, prospering, public, published, pure, purge, purified, purify, put in order, put over, put through, quash the charge, quit, quit of, quite, radiantly, radical, rainless, rationalize, readable, realize, realize on, recognizable, rectified, rectify, redeem, refine, refined, regular, rehabilitate, reinstate, release, released, relucent, remit, remove, repay, reproachless, restore, restrained, retire, reveal, revealing, rickety, rid, rid of, rise above, root out, root up, rosy, rotate, round, rule out, run off, sans reproche, satisfy, scot-free, scour out, scram, scrape along, screen, secure, see-through, seeable, self-evident, self-explaining, self-explanatory, sensible, sensitive, separate, serene, set free, set in order, settle, shake off, shaky, sharp, shed of, sheer, shining, shiny, shrive, shut of, sieve, sift, simple, simple as ABC, sink, sinless, ski jump, skip, sleek, smooth, soft, solve, solvent, sparkling, spiritualize, spring, square, square accounts, stabilize, staring, stark, starkly, start, start aside, start up, steeplechase, straight, straight-out, straightforward, strain, strike a balance, strike off, strike out, sublimate, sublime, succeed in, sunlit, sunny, sunshiny, sure, sure-enough, surmount, sweep out, sweeping, swing, swing the deal, take, take off, take up, tangible, tasteful, taxi, tear loose, terse, thin, thorough, thoroughgoing, thriving, through-and-through, throw off, throw over, throw overboard, tidy up, to be seen, top, total, totally, tower above, tower over, translucent, translucid, transparent, transpicuous, trim, true, try, turn a penny, turn to account, turn to profit, ubiquitous, unadulterated, unaffected, unalloyed, unambiguous, unanchored, unattached, unblemished, unblended, unblock, unblocked, unbound, unburden, unburdened, unburdensome, uncase, uncircumscribed, unclench, unclog, unclogged, unclosed, unclouded, unclutch, unclutter, uncombined, uncommitted, uncomplicated, uncompounded, unconditional, unconfused, uncork, uncorrupted, uncover, uncovered, uncurtain, undarkened, undefiled, understandable, understandably, undiluted, undisputed, undo, undone, undoubting, undrape, unembarrassed, unencumbered, unengaged, unequivocal, unfallen, unfastened, unfixed, unfold, unfortified, unfoul, unhampered, unhandicapped, unhesitating, unhidden, unhindered, unimpeded, unindebted, uninvolved, universal, univocal, unknot, unlabored, unladen, unlapsed, unlatch, unleavened, unlimited, unlock, unmingled, unmistakable, unmitigated, unmixed, unobscured, unobstructed, unowing, unplug, unprevented, unqualified, unquestionable, unquestioned, unquestioning, unravel, unrelieved, unreserved, unrestricted, unroll, unscarred, unscramble, unseal, unsheathe, unshut, unsnarl, unsophisticated, unstop, unstopped, unstuck, untangle, untie, untied, untinged, untouched by evil, untrammeled, untwine, unveil, unwaivable, unwavering, unwrap, updive, upleap, upspring, utter, utterly, vacant, vacuous, vault, vent, veritable, vigorous, vindicate, visible, vivid, void, warrant, weed out, well-defined, well-marked, well-pronounced, well-resolved, white, whitewash, whole, wholesale, wholly, wide, wide-open, win, winnow, with clean hands, with nothing inside, withdraw, withdraw the charge, without content, without exception, without reproach, without reserve, worry along