List of clog synonyms and clog related words.
arrest, bar, barrier, bearing rein, bind, bit, blank wall, blind alley, blind gut, block, block up, blockade, blockage, bottleneck, brake, bung, caulk, cecum, chain, check, checkrein, chink, chock, choke, choke off, choke up, choking, choking off, clog up, congest, congestion, constipate, constipation, cork, costiveness, countercheck, cover, cul-de-sac, curb, curb bit, dam, dam up, damper, dance, dead end, doorstop, drag, drag sail, drift anchor, drift sail, drogue, embolism, embolus, encumber, fetter, fill, fill up, foot, foul, fox-trot, gorge, hamper, holdback, hoof, hop, impasse, impede, impediment, infarct, infarction, jam, martingale, obstacle, obstipate, obstipation, obstruct, obstruction, pack, pelham, plug, plug up, prance, remora, scotch, sea anchor, sealing off, shackle, shake, shimmy, shuffle, skip, snaffle, spile, spoke, stanch, stay, stench, stop, stop up, stoppage, stopper, stopple, strangulation, stuff, stuff up, tap-dance, trammel, trip, waltz