List of clubfoot synonyms and clubfoot related words.
arch, bowlegs, camelback, cleft palate, crookback, defacement, deformation, deformity, digit, disfigurement, dog, extremity, fetlock, flatfoot, foot, forefoot, forepaw, freakishness, harefoot, harelip, heel, hoof, humpback, hunchback, instep, knock-knee, kyphosis, lordosis, malconformation, malformation, misproportion, misshape, monstrosity, mutilation, pad, pastern, patte, paw, pedal extremity, pedes, pes, pied, pug, sole, splayfoot, swayback, talipes, teratology, toe, tootsy, torticollis, trotter, truncation, ungula, valgus, wryneck