List of cock synonyms and cock related words.
Bantam, anemograph, anemometer, anemometrograph, anemoscope, anthill, backslide, ball cock, ball valve, baloney, bank, banty, barn-door fowl, barnyard fowl, biddy, bilge, billy, billy goat, boar, bosh, boss, broiler, brooder, broody hen, bubbly-jock, buck, bull, bullock, bung, bunghole, bunkum, capital, capon, chanticleer, charge, check valve, chick, chickabiddy, chicken, chicky, chief, chieftain, cockerel, cork, crap, detonate, discharge, dog, domestic fowl, dominant, drain cock, drake, draw cock, drift, drop, duck, duckling, dune, dunghill fowl, eject, embankment, entire, entire horse, fall astern, fall behind, faucet, fell, fire, fire off, fowl, fryer, game fowl, gander, gate, get behind, get up steam, go backwards, go behind, gobbler, goose, gosling, guff, guinea cock, guinea fowl, guinea hen, gun, gun for, hart, haycock, haymow, hayrick, haystack, he-goat, head, headman, heap, hen, hen turkey, hierarch, hill, hit, hokum, honcho, hydrant, jerk back, lapse, leader, let fly, let off, lid, load, lose ground, main, major, mass, master, molehill, mound, mountain, mow, needle valve, number one, outstanding, partlet, peacock, peg, pelt, pepper, petcock, pick off, pile, pin, pistol, plug, pontificate, pot, potshoot, potshot, poulard, poult, poultry, predominant, preeminent, prime, principal, pull back, pullet, pyramid, ram, recede, recidivate, regress, relapse, retrocede, retroflex, retrograde, retrogress, return, revert, rick, riddle, roaster, rooster, rot, ruck, sea cock, set, setting hen, shock, shoot, shoot at, shoot down, slip back, snipe, snowdrift, spigot, spike, spile, spill, spring chicken, stack, stag, stallion, steam up, steer, stewing chicken, stop, stopcock, stopgap, stopper, stopple, stot, strike, stud, studhorse, swagger, swank, swell, take a potshot, tap, tom, tom turkey, tomcat, top cow, top horse, torpedo, tup, turkey, turkey gobbler, turkey-cock, valve, valvula, valvule, vane, warm up, weather vane, weathercock, wether, wind, wind cone, wind indicator, wind sock, wind up, wind vane, wind-speed indicator