List of cogent synonyms and cogent related words.
acute, admissible, advantageous, apperceptive, appercipient, argute, armipotent, astute, auspicious, authoritative, beneficial, benevolent, binding, bon, bonny, braw, bueno, capital, commendable, compelling, consequential, consistent, constraining, convincing, credible, discerning, dynamic, effective, elegant, energetic, estimable, excellent, expedient, fair, famous, farseeing, farsighted, favorable, fine, forceful, forcible, foreseeing, foresighted, forethoughted, forethoughtful, good, goodly, grand, healthy, helpful, high-potency, high-powered, high-pressure, high-tension, in force, in power, incisive, inducing, influential, irresistible, just, justifiable, justified, kind, laudable, lawful, legal, legitimate, logical, longheaded, longsighted, meaningful, mighty, mighty in battle, momentous, nice, noble, operative, penetrating, perceptive, percipient, perspicacious, perspicuous, persuasive, piercing, plausible, pleasant, potent, powerful, prepotent, profitable, provident, puissant, rational, reasonable, regal, royal, ruling, sagacious, sane, satisfactory, satisfying, self-consistent, sensible, significant, skillful, solid, sound, splendid, striking, strong, substantial, sufficient, telling, trenchant, understanding, useful, valid, very good, vigorous, virtuous, vital, weighty, well-argued, well-founded, well-grounded, wholesome