List of cold synonyms and cold related words.
Asiatic flu, Hong Kong flu, Laodicean, Olympian, Siberian, abruptly, absolutely, acute bronchitis, adenoiditis, affectless, ague, aguey, aguish, algid, aloof, aluminosis, amygdalitis, anesthetized, anthracosilicosis, anthracosis, apathetic, arctic, arid, arrogant, asbestosis, asexual, asleep, asthma, atypical pneumonia, audacious, autistic, backward, barren, bashful, below zero, biting, bitter, bitterly cold, bituminosis, black, black lung, blah, blank, bleak, bloodless, blue with cold, blunt, boreal, bracing, brisk, bronchial pneumonia, bronchiectasis, bronchiolitis, bronchitis, bronchopneumonia, brumal, bug, bumptious, callous, calloused, castrated, cataleptic, catarrh, catatonic, chalicosis, characterless, chattering, cheerless, chill, chilled, chilling, chilly, chromatic, chronic bronchitis, cold as charity, cold as death, cold as ice, cold as marble, cold of heart, cold-blooded, coldblooded, coldhearted, coldness, collapsed lung, colorific, coloring, colorless, comatose, common cold, completely, coniosis, constrained, contumelious, cool, coryza, crisp, croup, croupous pneumonia, cutting, dead, dead as mutton, deadening, deceased, defunct, departed, depressing, detached, dichromatic, disaccordant, discouraging, discreet, disdainful, disheartening, dismal, dispassionate, dispiriting, distant, dithery, doped, double pneumonia, draggy, drear, drearisome, dreary, drugged, dry, dry pleurisy, dryasdust, dull, effete, elephantine, emasculated, emotionally dead, emotionless, emphysema, empty, empyema, entirely, epidemic pleurodynia, etiolated, eunuchized, exanimate, exclusive, expressionless, extinct, fade, faint, familiar, far, fervorless, fibrinous pneumonia, flat, flinthearted, flu, forbidding, forward, freezing, freezing cold, frigid, frigidity, frosted, frosty, frozen, frozen to death, frustrated, gelid, glacial, gloomy, glowing, grippe, guarded, half-conscious, half-frozen, halfhearted, hard, hard of heart, hardened, hardhearted, harmonious, hay fever, heartless, heavy, hibernal, hiemal, ho-hum, hollow, hubristic, hyperboreal, hyperborean, ice-cold, ice-encrusted, iced, icelike, iciness, icy, immediately, immovable, impassible, impassive, impersonal, impotent, inaccessible, inane, inanimate, inclement, incompatible, indifferent, inexcitable, influenza, inhibited, inhospitable, inimical, insensitive, insipid, insolent, insulting, insusceptible, introverted, jejune, joyless, keen, la grippe, laryngitis, late, leaden, lifeless, lipoid pneumonia, lobar pneumonia, low-spirited, lukewarm, lung cancer, lung fever, many-colored, matching, matter-of-fact, medley, modest, monochromatic, monochrome, monochromic, motley, narcotized, neuter, neutral, nipping, nippy, nirvanic, nonemotional, numbing, obdurate, objective, oblivious, obtrusive, obtuse, off the track, offish, old, oppressive, out, out cold, out of it, out of touch, overpresumptuous, overweening, pale, pallid, parti-colored, passionless, pedestrian, penetrating, perfunctory, pharyngitis, piercing, pigmentary, pinching, pleurisy, pleuritis, plodding, pneumococcal pneumonia, pneumoconiosis, pneumonia, pneumonic fever, pneumothorax, pointless, poky, polar, polychromatic, ponderous, presuming, presumptuous, prismatic, procacious, promptly, pushy, quinsy, rainbow, raw, remote, removed, repressed, reserved, restrained, reticent, retiring, rheum, rigorous, seclusive, self-absorbed, semiconscious, senseless, severe, sexless, shaky, sharp, shivering, shivery, shrinking, siderosis, silicosis, sleety, slow, slushy, snappy, sniffles, solemn, somber, sore throat, soulless, spaced out, spectral, spiritless, stale, standoff, standoffish, stereotyped, sterile, stiff, stodgy, stone-cold, stone-dead, stoned, stonyhearted, strained, strung out, stuffy, subdued, subzero, supercooled, superficial, suppressed, swine flu, tasteless, tedious, tense, tepid, the sniffles, the snuffles, thoroughly, tinctorial, tingent, toning, tonsilitis, trite, unaffable, unaffectionate, unamiable, unamicable, unapproachable, uncaring, uncongenial, unconscious, uncordial, undemonstrative, undersexed, unemotional, unenthusiastic, unexpansive, unfeeling, unfriendly, ungenial, unharmonious, unheated, unimpassioned, unimpressionable, unlively, unloving, unmerciful, unmoved, unmoving, unnatural, unpassionate, unprepared, unready, unreservedly, unresponding, unresponsive, unsexed, unsexual, unsociable, unsusceptible, unsympathetic, untouchable, uppish, uppity, vapid, variegated, virus pneumonia, warm, weak, wet pleurisy, whooping cough, winterbound, winterlike, wintery, wintry, with chattering teeth, withdrawn, wooden, zealless, zonked, zonked out