List of colic synonyms and colic related words.
abscess, ache, aching, ague, anemia, angina, ankylosis, anoxia, apnea, asphyxiation, asthma, ataxia, atrophy, backache, bellyache, bleeding, blennorhea, cachexia, cachexy, cardialgia, cephalalgia, chill, chills, cholera morbus, collywobbles, constipation, convulsion, costiveness, coughing, cyanosis, diarrhea, dizziness, dropsy, dysentery, dyspepsia, dyspnea, earache, edema, emaciation, fainting, fatigue, fever, fibrillation, flux, fret, gnawing, gripe, gripes, growth, gut-ache, headache, heartburn, hemicrania, hemorrhage, high blood pressure, hydrops, hypertension, hypotension, icterus, indigestion, inflammation, insomnia, irregularity, itching, jaundice, labored breathing, lientery, low blood pressure, lumbago, marasmus, megrim, migraine, nasal discharge, nausea, necrosis, obstipation, odontalgia, otalgia, pain, paralysis, pruritus, pyrosis, rash, rheum, sclerosis, seizure, shock, sick headache, skin eruption, sneezing, sore, spasm, splitting headache, stomachache, tabes, tachycardia, throbbing pain, toothache, trots, tumor, upset stomach, vertigo, vomiting, wasting