List of collar synonyms and collar related words.
Oregon boat, Roman collar, anklet, apprehend, appropriate, armlet, armory, arrest, back band, backstrap, badge, badge of office, badges, bag, band, bandanna, baton, bearing rein, bellyband, belt, bertha, bilbo, bit, blazonry, blinders, blinds, boa, bond, bonds, bottle up, bowtie, bracelet, brassard, breakers, breeching, bridle, bust, button, button-down collar, cabbage, camisole, cap and gown, caparison, capture, cavesson, celluloid collar, chain, chain of office, chains, checkrein, cheekpiece, chinband, choke, choker, cinch, cincture, cingulum, class ring, clerical collar, clout, cockade, collarband, comforter, cop, cravat, cross, crownband, crupper, cuffs, curb, decoration, dog collar, dress, eagle, earring, ecliptic, emblems, ensigns, equator, fasces, fascia, fetter, figurehead, fillet, finger ring, fleur-de-lis, foam, four-in-hand, froth, fur, gag, gag swivel, get, girdle, girt, girth, grab, great circle, guimpe, gyves, hackamore, halter, hames, hametugs, hammer and sickle, hamper, handcuffs, harness, head, headgear, headstall, heraldry, hip straps, hobbles, hook, hoop, hopples, insignia, irons, jaquima, jerk line, kerchief, lapel pin, lather, leading strings, leash, lift, lines, livery, mace, make a pinch, manacle, mantle, markings, martingale, medal, meringue, mortarboard, mousse, muffler, muzzle, nab, nail, neckband, neckcloth, neckerchief, necklace, neckpiece, necktie, nip, nose ring, noseband, offscum, old school tie, pick up, pillory, pin, pinch, plunging neckline, pole strap, puff, pull in, put under arrest, quoit, regalia, reins, restraint, restraints, ribbons, ring, rose, ruff, run in, saddle, scarf, school ring, scud, scum, sea foam, secure, shackle, shaft tug, shamrock, side check, sigillography, skull and crossbones, snaffle, soapsuds, souffle, sphragistics, spindrift, spoondrift, spray, spume, staff, steal, stinging, stock, stocks, stole, straightjacket, strait-waistcoat, straitjacket, stranglehold, suds, surcingle, surf, swastika, tack, tackle, take, take in, take into custody, take prisoner, tallith, tartan, tether, thistle, tie, tippet, trammel, trammels, trappings, tree, tucker, tug, uniform, verge, wand, white water, winker braces, wristband, wristlet, yoke, zodiac, zone