List of commanding synonyms and commanding related words.
absolute, ascendant, at the head, authoritarian, authoritative, authorized, autocratic, boss, chief, clothed with authority, compelling, competent, consequential, considerable, controlling, decretal, decretive, decretory, dictating, directing, directive, directorial, directory, dominant, duly constituted, eminent, empowered, ex officio, general, governing, great, guiding, head, hegemonic, hegemonistic, imperative, important, in ascendancy, in charge, in chief, in the ascendant, influential, instructive, jussive, leading, managerial, managing, mandating, master, mighty, momentous, monocratic, obligating, official, paramount, peremptory, potent, powerful, preceptive, predominant, predominate, preeminent, prepollent, preponderant, preponderate, prepotent, prescriptive, prestigious, prevalent, prominent, puissant, ranking, regnant, regulating, regulative, regulatory, reigning, ruling, senior, sovereign, substantial, superior, supreme, totalitarian, weighty