List of companion synonyms and companion related words.
Bayard, Don Quixote, Gawain, Lancelot, Ritter, Sidney, Sir Galahad, abigail, accompanier, accompanist, accompanyist, ace, adjunct, ally, alter ego, amah, amiable, amigo, analogon, analogue, associate, attend, attendant, au pair girl, ayah, bachelor, back, back stairs, balance rudder, banneret, baronet, batten, beak, beakhead, beam, bear, bedfellow, bedmate, betweenmaid, biddy, bilge keelson, bitt, board, bodyguard, bollard, bollard timber, bosom buddy, bow, bracket plate, bridge, bring, brother, brother-in-arms, buddy, bulkhead, bulwarks, bunkie, bunkmate, butty, caballero, cam cleat, camarade, capstan, carling, carry, casemate, cathead, cavalier, ceiling, centerboard, chamberfellow, chambermaid, chaperon, chaperone, chevalier, chum, classmate, cleat, close copy, close match, coadjutor, cognate, cohort, colleague, comate, companion, companion piece, companionable, companionway, company, compatriot, compeer, complacent, complement, comrade, concomitant, conduct, conductor, confederate, confrere, congenator, congener, conning tower, consociate, consort, consort with, convivial, convoy, cook, coordinate, copartner, copy, correlate, correlative, correspondent, counter, counterpart, crony, cutwater, daggerboard, davit, dead ringer, deadwood, double, duenna, duplicate, effigy, enchiridion, entrance, equivalent, escalier, escort, esquire, exact likeness, fantail, fellow, fellow member, fellow student, fellow traveler, femme de chambre, figurehead, fille de chambre, fire escape, flight of steps, forefoot, foresheets, foretop, frame, freeboard, futtock, gangplank, gangway, garboard strake, gentlewoman, girl, girl friend, good-natured, gossip, guard, gudgeon, guide, gunnel, gunwale, handbook, handmaid, handmaiden, hatch, hatchway, hawse, hawse timber, hawsehole, hawsepiece, hawsepipe, head, heel, hired girl, housemaid, icon, idol, image, incline, island, keel, keel and keelson, keelson, kevel, kindred spirit, kitchenmaid, knee, knight, knight bachelor, knight banneret, knight baronet, knight-errant, lady-help, lady-in-waiting, landing, landing stage, larboard, lee, lee side, leeward, like, likeness, live-in maid, live-out maid, living image, living picture, maid, maidservant, maintop, manual, match, mate, messmate, miniature, mirroring, mizzentop, model, near duplicate, nose, nursemaid, obverse, old crony, paddle wheel, pal, parallel, pard, pardner, parlormaid, partner, pendant, perron, photograph, picture, pintle, planking, playfellow, playmate, poop, port, porthole, portrait, portside, post, propeller, prow, pulpit, rail, ramp, reciprocal, reference book, reflection, resemblance, rib, roommate, rubbing, rubrail, rudder, rudderpost, rudderstock, run, running mate, safe-conduct, schoolfellow, schoolmate, scullery maid, scupper, scuttle, scuttlebutt, second self, semblance, servant girl, servitress, shadow, shaft tunnel, sheave hole, sheer strake, sheets, shelf, shelfpiece, shepherd, shipmate, side partner, sidekick, similitude, simulacrum, sister, skeg, snorkel, sociable, soubrette, soul mate, spiral staircase, spit and image, spitting image, squire, staircase, stairs, stairway, stanchion, starboard, stem, stepping-stones, steps, stern, stile, strake, such, suchlike, superstructure, swain, tail end, tally, teammate, the like of, the likes of, tiller, trace, tracing, transom, treads and risers, truck, tweeny, twin, upstairs maid, usher, very image, very picture, waiting maid, waterline, waterway, weather, weather side, weatherboard, wench, wheel, winch, windlass, windward, workfellow, yokefellow, yokemate