List of competent synonyms and competent related words.
OK, able, absolute, acceptable, actionable, adapted, adept, adequate, adjusted, all right, ample, applicable, ascendant, au fait, authoritarian, authoritative, authorized, autocratic, barely sufficient, capable, checked out, clothed with authority, comfortable, commanding, commensurate, consequential, considerable, constitutional, controlling, corresponding, decent, dominant, due, duly constituted, effective, effectual, efficacious, efficient, eminent, empowered, enough, equal to, ex officio, finished, fit, fitted, fitted for, good, good enough, governing, great, hegemonic, hegemonistic, imperative, important, influential, journeyman, judicial, juridical, just, justiciable, kosher, lawful, lawmaking, leading, legal, legislative, legit, legitimate, licit, masterly, mighty, minimal, minimum, momentous, monocratic, official, okay, plenty, plenty good enough, polished, potent, powerful, preeminent, prepared, prestigious, productive, proficient, prominent, proper, proportionate, puissant, qualified, ranking, rightful, ruling, sanctioned, satisfactory, senior, statutory, substantial, sufficient, sufficient for, sufficing, suitable, suited, superior, supreme, totalitarian, up to, up to snuff, valid, weighty, well-fitted, well-qualified, well-suited, wicked, within the law, worthy