List of complex synonyms and complex related words.
Byzantine, Chinese puzzle, Diana complex, Electra complex, Gordian knot, Herculean, Oedipus complex, Rube Goldberg contraption, abstruse, acculturation, amalgamated, ambiguous, ambivalent, amphibious, arduous, baffling, balled up, bewildering, beyond one, blended, brutal, can of worms, castration complex, civilization, collectivity, combined, complicated, composite, compound, compounded, compulsion, confounded, confounding, confused, confusing, conglomerate, convoluted, crabbed, cramp, critical, cultural drift, culture, culture area, culture center, culture complex, culture conflict, culture contact, culture pattern, culture trait, daedal, dappled, delicate, demanding, devious, difficile, difficult, distracting, disturbing, eclectic, elaborate, embodiment, embrangled, entangled, entirety, equivocal, ethos, exacting, fascination, father complex, fifty-fifty, fixation, fixed idea, folkways, formidable, fouled up, garbled, gordian, hairy, half-and-half, hang-up, hard, hard to understand, hard-earned, hard-fought, heterogeneous, hypercathexis, idee fixe, implicated, indiscriminate, inferiority complex, integer, integration, integrity, intricate, involute, involuted, involved, ironic, irresistible impulse, jawbreaking, jumbled, jungle, key trait, knot, knotted, knotty, laborious, labyrinth, labyrinthian, labyrinthine, loused up, many-faceted, many-sided, matted, maze, mazy, mean, meander, meandering, medley, mesh, mess, messed up, mingled, miscellaneous, mixed, mixed up, mixed-up, monomania, morbid drive, mores, mother complex, motley, mucked up, multifaceted, multifarious, multinational, multiracial, mysterious, mystifying, no picnic, not easy, obfuscated, obscure, obscured, obsession, obsessive compulsion, oneness, operose, organic unity, overtechnical, parent complex, patchy, perplex, perplexed, perplexing, persecution complex, pluralistic, possession, preoccupation, prepossession, promiscuous, puzzling, ramified, ravel, reticular, rigorous, rough, roundabout, rugged, ruling passion, scrambled, screwed up, set with thorns, severe, snafu, snake pit, snarl, snarled, society, sophisticated, spiny, steep, strenuous, subtle, superiority complex, syncretic, tangle, tangled, tangled skein, tangly, thorny, thrown together, tic, ticklish, toilsome, totality, tough, trait, trait-complex, tricky, twisted, unity, uphill, vague, varied, webwork, wheels within wheels, whole, wicked, wilderness