List of compliment synonyms and compliment related words.
TL, acclaim, accolade, adulate, adulation, applaud, benevolence, beslobber, beslubber, best wishes, blandish, blandishment, blarney, bless, blessing, blessings, boon, bouquet, bunkum, cajole, cajolement, cajolery, commend, commendation, compliments, conceit, congratulate, congratulation, congratulations, encomium, eulogy, eyewash, fair words, favor, fawn upon, fawning, felicitate, felicitation, flatter, flattering remark, flattery, give a bouquet, good wishes, gratulate, gratulation, grease, greetings, hail, hand it to, homage, honeyed phrases, honeyed words, honor, incense, largess, laud, laudation, make fair weather, oil, oil the tongue, orchids, palaver, pay a compliment, polite commendation, posy, praise, present, pretty lies, recommend, regards, rejoice with, respects, salutations, slobber over, soap, soft soap, sweet nothings, sweet talk, sweet words, sycophancy, take off, trade-last, tribute, wheedle, wheedling