List of concavity synonyms and concavity related words.
aduncity, alveolation, alveolus, antrum, aquilinity, arching, arcuation, armpit, basin, boss, bowl, bump, cavity, circularity, colophon, concameration, concave, convexity, convolution, crater, crookedness, crypt, cup, curvation, curvature, curving, curvity, dactylogram, dactylograph, de-escalation, debasement, decurvation, decurvature, degradation, demotion, dent, depression, descent, detrusion, diminution, dint, dip, ducking, embossment, excrescence, excurvation, excurvature, fingerprint, fold, follicle, footmark, footprint, footstep, fossil footprint, funnel chest, hauling down, hole, hollow, hollow shell, hollowness, hookedness, ichnite, ichnolite, impress, impression, imprint, incurvation, incurvature, incurvity, indent, indentation, indention, lacuna, lowering, lump, pad, paw print, pawmark, pimple, pit, pocket, print, pug, pugmark, punch bowl, recurvation, recurvature, recurvity, reduction, rondure, rotundity, sag, scoop, seal, shell, sigil, signet, sink, sinkage, sinkhole, sinking, sinuosity, sinuousness, sinus, socket, stamp, step, stud, submergence, thrusting under, thumbmark, thumbprint, tortuosity, tortuousness, trough, vaulting, vestige, vug