List of confine synonyms and confine related words.
arena, arrest, bar, bastille, be into, be strong in, block, border line, bottle up, bound, boundary, boundary condition, boundary line, bounds, bourn, box, box in, box up, break boundary, breakoff point, cabin, cage, casket, ceiling, check, cincture, circumference, circumscribe, circumscription, cloister, close, closet, coffin, compass, condition, constrain, constrict, contain, container, contract, coop, coop in, coop up, copyright, cork up, court, courtyard, cramp, crib, curtilage, cutoff, cutoff point, deadline, delay, delimit, delimitate, delimitation, delimited field, detain, determinant, dimensions, diminish, discipline, division line, drag, draw in, draw the line, encage, encase, enclave, enclose, enclosure, end, entomb, extent, extremity, feature, fence in, field, finish, floor, frontier, go in, go in for, ground, hedge, hedge about, hem, hem in, high-water mark, hinder, hold, hold back, hold in custody, hold in restraint, hold up, immure, impede, impound, incarcerate, inhibit, interface, intern, jail, jug, keep back, keep from spreading, keep in, keep in custody, keep in detention, keep within bounds, lag, limen, limit, limitation, limiting factor, limits, line, line of demarcation, list, localize, low-water mark, lower limit, major in, make late, march, mark, mete, mew, mew up, minor in, moderate, narrow, obstruct, orbit, pale, paling, park, patent, pen, pen up, periphery, pound, precincts, prison, purlieus, pursue, purview, quad, quadrangle, qualify, quod, radius, rail in, reach, register, restrain, restrict, retard, scant, scope, seal up, shackle, shut in, shut up, slacken, slow down, snape, specialize, specialize in, square, start, starting line, starting point, stay, stint, stop, straiten, sweep, taper, target date, term, terminal date, terminus, theater, threshold, tighten, time allotment, toft, upper limit, wall in, yard