List of confined synonyms and confined related words.
angustifoliate, angustirostrate, angustisellate, angustiseptal, authoritative, barred, bedfast, bedridden, beleaguered, beset, besieged, blockaded, bound, bounded, boxed in, cabined, caged, circumscribed, cloistered, close, close-fitting, closed-in, conditioned, constricted, cooped, copyrighted, cordoned, cordoned off, corralled, cramp, cramped, cribbed, crowded, detained, disciplined, down, enclosed, expert, feature, featured, fenced, finite, geographically limited, hedged, hedged about, hedged in, hemmed, hemmed in, hospitalized, icebound, immured, impounded, imprisoned, in childbed, in confinement, in hospital, incapacious, incarcerated, incommodious, insular, invalided, isthmian, isthmic, jailed, kept in, knowledgeable, laid up, landlocked, leaguered, limited, local, localized, meager, mewed, moderated, narrow, near, of a place, paled, parochial, patented, penned, pent, pent-up, prescribed, proscribed, prostrate, provincial, qualified, quarantined, railed, restrained, restricted, scant, scanty, shut-in, sick abed, slender, snowbound, specialist, specialistic, specialized, stinted, strait, straitened, technical, tight, topical, under restraint, vernacular, walled, walled-in, windbound