List of conjure synonyms and conjure related words.
adjure, appeal, appeal to, bamboozle, beg, beguile, beseech, betray, bid come, bluff, brace, cajole, call, call away, call back, call for, call for help, call forth, call in, call on, call out, call together, call up, call up spirits, call upon, cheat on, circumvent, cite, clamor for, conjure up, conjure up spirits, convene, convoke, crave, cry for, cry on, cry to, deceive, delude, demand, diddle, double-cross, dupe, entreat, evoke, forestall, gammon, get around, gull, hoax, hocus-pocus, hornswaggle, humbug, impetrate, implore, importune, imprecate, indent, invoke, juggle, kneel to, let down, mock, muster, muster up, obtest, order up, outmaneuver, outreach, outsmart, outwit, overreach, page, pigeon, play one false, plead, plead for, pray, preconize, put something over, raise, raise ghosts, recall, requisition, run to, send after, send for, serve, snow, string along, subpoena, summon, summon forth, summon spirits, summon up, summons, supplicate, take in, trick, two-time