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connate synonyms and connate related words

Synonyms -> connate synonyms

List of connate synonyms and connate related words.

affiliated, affinal, affinitive, agnate, akin, allied, atavistic, bodily, born, coeval, cognate, congeneric, congenerous, congenial, congenital, connatal, connatural, connected, consanguine, conspecific, constitutional, correlative, deep-seated, elemental, enate, essential, genetic, genetically related, hereditary, in the blood, inborn, inbred, incarnate, incident, indigenous, indwelling, inherited, innate, instinctive, instinctual, intrinsic, kindred, native, native to, natural, natural to, of common source, organic, physical, primal, related, related by blood, temperamental, unacquired