List of consulate synonyms and consulate related words.
Dymaxion house, White House, adobe house, aedileship, archbishopric, archiepiscopacy, archiepiscopate, aristocracy, bishopric, booking office, box office, branch, branch office, building, cabinet, casa, chairmanship, chambers, chancellery, chancellorate, chancellorship, chancery, chiefery, chiefry, chieftaincy, chieftainry, chieftainship, cliff dwelling, closet, consulship, corporate headquarters, country house, country seat, dacha, deanery, den, dictatorship, dictature, directorship, dwelling house, edifice, embassy, emirate, episcopacy, erection, executive office, fabric, farm, farmhouse, governorship, hall, headquarters, headship, hegemony, hierarchy, home office, house, houseboat, lake dwelling, leadership, legation, living machine, lodge, lordship, magistracy, magistrateship, magistrature, main office, manor house, manse, masterdom, mastership, mastery, mayoralty, mayorship, metropolitanate, metropolitanship, nobility, office, papacy, parsonage, pashadom, pashalic, patriarchate, patriarchy, penthouse, pontificality, pontificate, popedom, popehood, popeship, prefabricated house, prefectship, prefecture, premiership, presidency, presidential palace, presidentship, prime-ministership, prime-ministry, princedom, princeship, principality, proconsulate, proconsulship, protectorate, protectorship, provostry, provostship, ranch house, rectorate, rectorship, rectory, regency, regentship, roof, ruling class, seigniory, seneschalship, seneschalsy, sheikhdom, sheriffalty, sheriffcy, sheriffdom, shop, shrievalty, skyscraper, sod house, split-level, structure, study, supervisorship, suzerainship, suzerainty, ticket office, town house, tribunate, vicarage, vizierate, viziership