List of convict synonyms and convict related words.
Judas, POW, acquit, anathematize, assure, attaint, be convincing, betrayer, blacklist, bring home to, bring over, bring round, bring to reason, cageling, captive, carry conviction, censure, chain gang, con, condemn, convert, convince, criminal, crook, damn, deceiver, denounce, denunciate, desperado, desperate criminal, detenu, doom, double-dealer, drive home to, ex-convict, excommunicate, felon, find guilty, fugitive, gallows bird, gangster, gaolbird, inspire belief, internee, jailbird, lag, lawbreaker, lead to believe, lifer, loser, mobster, outlaw, parolee, pass sentence, pass sentence on, penalize, persuade, political prisoner, prisoner, prisoner of war, pronounce judgment, pronounce sentence, proscribe, public enemy, quisling, racketeer, recidivist, repeater, satisfy, scofflaw, sell, sell one on, sentence, stir bird, swindler, talk over, thief, thug, ticket-of-leave man, ticket-of-leaver, traitor, trusty, two-timer, win over