List of convulse synonyms and convulse related words.
afflict, agitate, agonize, ail, amuse, beat, beat up, beguile, bite, bloody, bug, burn, chafe, churn, churn up, claw, concuss, crucify, cut, delight, disarrange, discompose, disquiet, distract, distress, disturb, divert, embroil, enliven, entertain, excite, excruciate, exhilarate, ferment, fester, flurry, fracture one, fret, gall, give pain, gnaw, grate, grind, gripe, harrow, hurt, impale, inflame, inflict pain, irritate, kill, kill by inches, knock dead, lacerate, lancinate, loosen up, macerate, martyr, martyrize, nip, paddle, pain, perturb, perturbate, pierce, pinch, prick, prolong the agony, psych, punish, put to torture, rack, raise a laugh, raise a smile, rankle, rasp, recreate, refresh, regale, relax, rile, rip, ripple, rock, roil, roughen, rub, ruffle, rumple, savage, scarify, shake, shake up, slay, solace, spook, stab, sting, stir, stir up, swirl, throw, throw into confusion, tickle, titillate, torment, torture, trouble, tweak, twist, unsettle, upset, whip, whip up, whisk, work up, wound, wow, wring