List of cook up synonyms and cook up related words.
ad-lib, angle, beget, breed, brew, bring forth, bring into being, cabal, call into being, coin, collude, complot, conceive, concoct, connive, conspire, contrive, counterfeit, countermine, counterplot, dash off, design, develop, devise, discover, do offhand, dream up, engender, engineer, evolve, extemporize, fabricate, fake, fantasize, finagle, finesse, fix, forge, formulate, frame, frame up, fudge, generate, give being to, give rise to, hatch, hatch a plot, hatch up, hoke up, improvisate, improvise, intrigue, invent, jury-rig, knock off, lash up, lay a plot, machinate, make do with, make up, maneuver, manufacture, mature, mint, operate, originate, pack, pack the deal, plan, play by ear, plot, prearrange, preconcert, precontrive, predesign, premeditate, preorder, procreate, rig, scheme, scrap the plan, set up, sew up, spawn, stack the cards, strike off, strike out, think out, think up, throw off, throw together, toss off, toss out, trump up, vamp, vamp up, wangle, whip up, whomp up, wing it