List of core synonyms and core related words.
Bowery, Chinatown, East End, East Side, Little Hungary, Little Italy, West End, West Side, amidships, amount, average, axiom, axis, barrio, base, basis, beginning, bench mark, black ghetto, blighted area, body, bosom, bulk, burden, business district, cardinal point, center, center of action, center of gravity, central, central city, centroid, centrum, chief thing, city center, climax, commencement, consequence, cornerstone, corpus, crisis, critical point, crux, dead center, deepest recesses, diameter, diaphragm, distillate, distillation, downtown, elixir, epicenter, equator, equatorial, equidistant, essence, essential, essential matter, fabric, flower, focus, foundation, fundamental, ghetto, gist, gravamen, great point, greenbelt, halfway, heart, heart of hearts, high point, hub, hypostasis, import, importance, important thing, inner, inner city, inner essence, inner landscape, inner life, inner man, inner nature, inner recess, inner self, inside, insides, interior, interior man, intermediary, intermediate, intern, internal, intrados, inward, issue, kernel, keystone, landmark, main point, main thing, marrow, mass, material, material point, matter, mean, meat, medial, median, mediocre, mediterranean, medium, medulla, mesial, metacenter, mezzo, mid, middle, middlemost, middling, midland, midmost, midpoint, midriff, midships, midst, midtown, midway, milestone, nave, navel, nub, nuclear, nucleus, nuts and bolts, omphalos, origin, outskirts, penetralia, pit, pith, pivot, postulate, principle, purport, quick, quid, quiddity, quintessence, real issue, recap, recapitulation, recesses, red-light district, residential district, resume, root, run-down neighborhood, run-through, rundown, salient point, sap, secret place, secret places, seed, shopping center, significance, sine qua non, skid road, skid row, slum, slums, soul, spirit, staple, start, storm center, stuff, substance, substantive point, suburbia, suburbs, sum, sum and substance, summary, summation, tenderloin, tenement district, the bottom line, the nitty-gritty, the point, thick, thick of things, thrust, turning point, umbilicus, upshot, uptown, urban blight, vital center, vitals, waist, waistline, zone