List of corrective synonyms and corrective related words.
Fabian, adjuvant, aid, alterative, analeptic, antidote, assistance, balm, balsam, castigatory, chastening, chastising, counteractant, counteractive, counteragent, countermeasure, counterstep, curative, cure, disciplinary, emendatory, gradualistic, grueling, healing, healing agent, healing quality, help, iatric, inflictive, medicative, medicinal, melioristic, penal, penological, prescription, punishing, punitive, punitory, radical, receipt, recipe, reformational, reformative, reformatory, reformist, reformistic, relief, remedial, remedial measure, remedy, restorative, retributive, revisional, revisionist, revisory, revolutionary, sanative, sanatory, sovereign remedy, specific, specific remedy, succor, therapeutic, theriac, utopian