List of corrugation synonyms and corrugation related words.
bezel, broken ground, broken water, chamfer, chase, chink, chop, cockle, corduroy, corduroy road, crack, crankle, cranny, crease, crimp, crinkle, crumple, cut, dado, engraving, flute, fluting, fold, furrow, gash, goose bumps, goose pimples, gooseflesh, gouge, groove, horripilation, incision, lop, microgroove, plica, pucker, rabbet, ridge, rifling, rimple, ripple, rivel, rough, ruck, rumple, rut, sandpaper, score, scratch, slit, streak, stria, striation, sulcation, sulcus, washboard, well-worn groove, wimple, wrinkle