List of costume synonyms and costume related words.
accouter, apparel, array, attire, ballet skirt, bedizenment, bib and tucker, blackface, buskin, cap and bells, caparison, clothes, clothing, clown white, disguise, drapery, dress, dressing, duds, equip, fashion, fatigues, feathers, fig, fit, fit out, frock, garb, garments, gear, getup, greasepaint, guise, habiliment, habit, investiture, investment, kit, linen, livery, makeup, masquerade, motley, outfit, practical piece, prop, property, rags, raiment, rig, rig out, rig up, robes, sock, sportswear, style, suit, theatrical makeup, threads, tights, togs, toilette, trim, turn out, tutu, uniform, vestment, vesture, wear, wearing apparel