List of cracker synonyms and cracker related words.
Brussels biscuit, Klaxon, Melba toast, backwoodsman, biscuit, boiler factory, boiler room, bone, briar-hopper, brush ape, bull-roarer, bushman, catcall, cherry bomb, clack, clacker, clam digger, clapper, cricket, desert rat, dust, firecracker, forester, frontiersman, graham cracker, hardtack, hillbilly, hinterlander, horn, mountain man, mountaineer, mummy, noisemaker, parchment, pilot biscuit, piny, pretzel, rattle, rattlebox, redneck, ridge runner, rusk, saltine, sea biscuit, ship biscuit, sinker, siren, snapper, soda cracker, steam whistle, stick, ticktack, wafer, whistle, whizgig, whizzer, woodlander, woodman, woodsman, zwieback