List of cradle synonyms and cradle related words.
Colonial bed, Hollywood bed, Vaterland, afford support, appease, babyhood, back, back up, bassinet, bear, bear up, bed, bed-davenport, beginnings, berth, birth, birthplace, bolster, bolster up, brace, breeding place, brooder, bunk, bunk bed, buoy up, buttress, calm, calm down, camp bed, care for, carry, cherish, childhood, clarifier, coddle, colander, compose, cool, cosset, cot, crib, cribble, crutch, cultivate, cushion, day bed, door bed, double bed, double bunk, dry-nurse, dulcify, duplex bed, ease, even out, fatherland, feather bed, feed, filter, fold-away bed, fondle, forcing bed, foster, four-poster, freshman year, genesis, gentle, give support, hammock, hatchery, hold, hold up, home, homeground, homeland, hospital bed, hotbed, hush, inception, inchoation, incipience, incipiency, incubator, incunabula, infancy, keep afloat, keep up, king-size bed, la patrie, lavish care on, lend support, lixiviator, lower berth, lull, mainstay, maintain, mollify, mother, mother country, motherland, my Angel-infancy, nascence, nascency, native land, native soil, nativity, nest, nestle, nidus, nourish, nurse, nursery, nurture, origin, origination, pacify, pallet, pamper, panel bed, parturition, patria, percolator, pillow, pipe berth, poster bed, pour balm into, pregnancy, prop, purifier, put to bed, quarter berth, queen-size bed, quell, quiet, refiner, refinery, reinforce, rest, riddle, rock, rock to sleep, rocker, roll-away bed, rookery, screen, shore, shore up, shoulder, sieve, sifter, single bed, smooth, smooth down, smooth over, smoothen, sofa-bed, soothe, spoon-feed, stabilize, stay, steady, still, strainer, subdue, subsidize, subvention, suckle, support, sustain, tester bed, the nursery, the old country, three-quarter bed, tranquilize, truckle bed, trundle bed, tuck in, underbrace, undergird, underlie, underpin, underset, upbear, uphold, upkeep, wet-nurse, winnow, winnowing basket, winnowing fan, winnowing machine, youth