List of craft synonyms and craft related words.
Italian hand, ability, acuteness, address, adeptness, adroitness, aeroplane, aircraft, airmanship, animal cunning, argosy, art, artful dodge, artfulness, artifice, artisan work, artisanship, artistry, astuteness, bark, blind, boat, bottom, bravura, brilliance, bucket, business, cageyness, callidity, calling, canniness, capability, capacity, career, career building, careerism, chicanery, cleverness, command, competence, conspiracy, contrivance, control, coordination, coup, craftiness, craftsmanship, craftwork, cunning, cunningness, cute trick, deceit, deceitfulness, deftness, design, device, deviousness, dexterity, dexterousness, dextrousness, diplomacy, dodge, duplicity, efficiency, expedient, expertise, expertness, fabricate, facility, fakement, falseheartedness, falseness, fashion, feint, fetch, fine Italian hand, finesse, flair, foxiness, fraud, furtiveness, gambit, game, gamesmanship, genius, gimmick, grace, grift, grip, guile, guilefulness, handicraft, handiness, handiwork, hooker, horsemanship, hovercraft, hulk, hull, hypocrisy, indirection, industrial art, industrial design, ingeniousness, ingenuity, insidiousness, intrigue, inventiveness, job, jugglery, keel, knavery, know-how, leviathan, lifework, line, line of business, line of work, little game, low cunning, make, maneuver, manual art, marksmanship, mastership, mastery, mechanics, mechanism, metalcraft, method, metier, mission, move, mystery, number, occupation, one-upmanship, packet, pawkiness, plane, plot, ploy, practical ability, practice, profession, proficiency, prowess, pursuit, quickness, racket, readiness, red herring, resource, resourcefulness, rocket, ruse, satanic cunning, savoir-faire, savvy, scheme, science, seamanship, sharpness, shift, shiftiness, ship, shrewdness, skill, skillfulness, sleight, slickness, slipperiness, slyness, sneak attack, sneakiness, sophistry, spacecraft, spaceship, specialization, specialty, stealth, stealthiness, stonecraft, stratagem, strategy, style, subterfuge, subtility, subtilty, subtleness, subtlety, suppleness, surreptitiousness, tact, tactfulness, tactic, talent, technic, technical brilliance, technical know-how, technical knowledge, technical mastery, technical skill, technics, technique, technology, timing, trade, treacherousness, trick, trickery, trickiness, tub, underhandedness, vessel, virtuosity, vocation, walk, walk of life, wariness, watercraft, wile, wiles, wiliness, wily device, wit, wizardry, woodcraft, work, workmanship